
英语口语 2019-11-15 12:10:28 英语口语
[摘要][小学英语口语-情景对话]小学英语口语:情景对话小学英语例句1Is this your football?这是你的足球吗?Yes it is 是的,它是,小学英语口语-情景对话[智库|专题]。Thank you 谢谢你!May I use it?我可以使用它吗? Please!请!Sure!当然可以





Is this your football?这是你的足球吗?

Yes it is.是的,它是,



Thank you.谢谢你!

May I use it?我可以使用它吗? Please!请!


No! it isn"t.不,它不是。

It is my hat.它是我的帽子。 Here you are.给你!

Thank you very much.非常感谢。

a: Robbie, is this your football?

Yes it is. Thank you.

Is this your hat, Boddy?

Yes it is. thank you .

b: Is this your nice cake?

Yes it is.

May I use it?

Please! thank you.

Is this your ink bottle?

Yes it is.

May I use it?


c: Is this your hat, Mr White? No! it isn"t.

Is this your football?

No! it isn"t.

d: Is this your hat?

Yes it is.

It is my hat.

Here you are.

Thank you very much!

Is this your glass?

No it isn"t

It is my glass.

Here you are.

Thank you very much!



What"s this?

It"s a cake.

What"s that?

It"s an orange.

Are you hungry?

Oh! nice.

May I have some?

Excuse me!

Is that your apple?

May I have it?

a: What"s this Edda?

It"s a cake.

What"s that?

It"s an orange.

b: Edda! are you hungry?

Yes, what"s this?

It"s a cake.

Oh! nice.

c: Mom, What"s this?

It"s a melon.

May I have some?

Of course.

d: Excuse me,

Is that your apple?

May I have it?


Thank you.


How old are you?

I"m eleven years old.

It"s his birthday today.

Let"s go to say happy birthday to him.

He is one year older than you. We are in the same grade. She is twenty.

She is young.


I like a young teacher.

Welcome to my home. a: How old are you, Ellen?

I am eleven years old.

Bobbie is ten years old, it is his birthday today.

Let"s go to say happy birthday to him. Let"s go.

b: Happy birthday to you, Bobbie. Thank you.

Mom! This is Edda, this is Ellen. Hello! Edda and Ellen.

Good morning!

How old are you, Edda?

I"m nine.

Bobbie is ten.

He is one year older than you. But we are in the same grade. How old are you, Ellen?

I"m eleven.

You are one year older than Boddie. Yes.

c: Happy birthday to you, Bobbie.

Thank you!

Here is a gift for you.

Thank you very much.

Who"s that young woman?

She is Mrs Dazzy, my English teacher. How old is she?

She is twenty.

Oh! She is young.

I like a young teacher.

d: This is Mrs Dazzy, mom! This is my mom, Mrs Dazzy. Welcome to my home.

Glad to meet you.




What"s your name?

My name is Eda.

His name is White.

What"s your English teacher"s name?

Her name is Miss Dazzy. That"s my mother.

His name is Bobbie too. What"s her name?

He is Mr White.

She is Mrs Dazzy.

a: Hello! I"m Bobbie, what"s your name?

My name is Eda.

Thank you.

b: This is Mr White, my teacher. He"s name is White.

What"s your English teacher"s name?

Her name is Mrs Dazzy.

c: This is my father.

That"s my mother.

What"s your father"s name? He"s name is Bobbie too.

What"s your mother"s name? Her name is Mary.

d: Mom! This is my English teacher. What"s her name?

She is Mrs Dazzy.

How do you do! Mrs Dazzy. That is my teacher Dad!

What"s his name?

He is Mr White.

How do you do! Mr White.


I"m in grade one.

Are you in grade one? Yes, I am.

No, I"m not.


I"m not in grade two.

He is fat.

Am I fat?

No, you aren"t.

Yes, you are.

You are beautiful too.

a: Hello! Bobbie, I"m in grade one. Are you in grade one?

Yes I am.

b: This is David and his brother.

How do you do!

How do you do!

Are you in grade two?

No! I"m not in grade two.

c: This is my father.

Oh! He is fat.

Am I fat?

No! you are not.

d: That is my mother.

Oh! she is beautiful.

Am I beautiful?

Yes you are.

You are beautiful too.

Thank you.


Look at the photo!

It"s photo of my class.

Who"s this man?

Is this a photo of your family? She is a teacher.

What"s she?

No! she isn"t.

Is she a cook too?

Oh! it"s you.

Let me have a look.


a: Mom! look at the photo.

It"s photo of my class.

Who is this man?

He is Mr White.

Who is that woman?

She is Mrs Dazzy.

b: Edda, is this a photo of your family? Yes this is my mother.

What is she?

She is teacher.

c: Is this a photo of your family? Yes, this is my father.

He is a cook.

Who is that woman?

She is my mother.

Is she a cook too?

No she isn"t, she is a teacher.

d: What"s this Bobbie?

It"s photo.

Let me have a look!

Oh! It"s you, Bobbie.



Let"s play hide and seek. Count after ten.

I"m ready.


Let"s jump together.


What"s in it?

Let"s open it, and see.

Here are two cakes.

These are oranges.

a: Let"s play hide and see.

Count after ten, Edda!

One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten.

I"m ready.



b: Boys and girls, Let"s jump together. Yes sir.

One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten.


c: This is my bag.

What"s in it, Robbie?

Let"s open it and see.

One cake, two apples, three oranges, and a banana.

d: I"m hungry, mum!

Here are two cakes.

These are oranges.

Thank you, mom.


How much is two plus three? It"s five.

How much is nine minus three? Sorry!

What are these?

They are apples.

How much are these apples? Ten Yuan.

What"s your telephone number? It"s two eight five six six two two.

a: Robbie! how much is two plus three? It"s five.


How much is five plus six?

It"s eleven.

Very good!

b: Edda! how much is nine minus three?


How much is twelve minus four? No! It"s seven.

No! it"s eight.


c: What are these, mom?


How much are these apples? Ten yuan.

d: What"s your telephone number? It"s two eight five six six two two.


We are in grade one.

Glad to meet you.

Is David kind to you?

I like her.

It"s a dictionary.

Happy birthday to you!

Here is a gift for you.


I like green.

Oh! Lovely!

a: Good morning, my name is Edda, her name is Ellen, his name is Bobbie. We are in grade one.

How do you do!

Glad to meet you.

b: I"m in grade one.

Is David in grade one too?

No, he is in grade two.

Is David kind to you?

Yes, he is.

Is Mrs Dazzy kind to you too? Of course! I like her.

c: What"s this?

It"s a dictionary.

Is it your dictionary?

Yes it is.

May I use it?


Thank you, Mrs Dazzy.

d: Happy birthday to Boddie. Thank you.

Here is gift for you.

What"s this?



It"s a box.

What"s in the box?


It"s a football.


It"s a tie.


What color is it?

It"s green. I like green. Here is your tie.

Oh! Lovely!

小学英语例句10 What"s the time? I"m late.

It"s twelve.

It"s eight in the morning. It"s time for class. Let"s go home. Let"s go to bed. Good night.

Class is over. Stand up.

a: What"s the time? It"s eight.

I"m late.

What"s the time? It"s twelve.

I"m hungry.

b: What"s the time?

It"s eight in the morning. It"s time for class.

c: What"s the time?

It"s four in the afternoon Let"s go home. Ok.

What"s the time?

It"s nine in the evening. Let"s go to bed. Good night! Ellen.

d: What"s the time, Edda? It"s four.

Class is over. Stand up class! Goodbye!

Goodbye! Sir.


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