My unlucky day作文100字

化学试题 2019-08-29 08:13:30 化学试题
[摘要][My unlucky day作文100字]  One day,I got up I found that my alarm did not work I looked at it and shouted:Oh!I am late! I brushed the teeth and cleaned


[My unlucky day作文100字]

  One day,I got up.I found that my alarm did not work.I looked at it and shouted:"Oh!I am late!".I brushed the teeth and cleaned the face quilkly.Then I ran to the subway station.

  When I was in the subway,I thought something wrong.I found that I took the wrong subway.So I have to change another subway to my school.

  When I got to the school.I had already late for 30minutes.Suddenly,I remenber I forgot took my house key!!!

  What a unlucky day!!!


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