欣赏诗歌的方法_诗歌欣赏Done With

英语论文 2022-12-07 18:05:55 英语论文
[摘要]by Ann Stanford  My house is torn down——  Plaster sifting, the pillars broken,  Beams jagged, the wall crushed by the bulldozer.  The whole roof has f


  by Ann Stanford

  My house is torn down——

  Plaster sifting, the pillars broken,

  Beams jagged, the wall crushed by the bulldozer.

  The whole roof has fallen

  On the hall and the kitchen

  The bedrooms, the parlor.

  They are trampling the garden——

  My mother's lilac, my father's grapevine,

  The freesias, the jonquils, the grasses.

  Hot asphalt goes down

  Over the torn stems, and hardens.

  What will they do in springtime

  Those bulbs and stems groping upward

  That drown in earth under the paving,

  Thick with sap, pale in the dark

  As they try the unrolling of green.

  May they double themselves

  Pushing together up to the sunlight,

  May they break through the seal stretched above them

  Open and flower and cry we are living.

  诗歌欣赏:Drinking With Someone In The

  As the two of us drink

  together, while mountain

  flowers blossom beside, we

  down one cup after the other

  until I am drunk and sleepy

  so that you better go!

  Tomorrow if you feel like it

  do come and bring your lute

  along with you!

  by Louis Simpson

  Trees in the old days used to stand

  And shape a shady lane

  Where lovers wandered hand in hand

  Who came from Carentan.

  This was the shining green canal

  Where we came two by two

  Walking at combat-interval.

  Such trees we never knew.

  The day was early June, the ground

  Was soft and bright with dew.

  Far away the guns did sound,

  But here the sky was blue.

  The sky was blue, but there a smoke

  Hung still above the sea

  Where the ships together spoke

  To towns we could not see.

  Could you have seen us through a glass

  You would have said a walk

  Of farmers out to turn the grass,

  Each with his own hay-fork.

  The watchers in their leopard suits

  Waited till it was time,

  And aimed between the belt and boot

  And let the barrel climb.

  I must lie down at once, there is

  A hammer at my knee.

  And call it death or cowardice,

  Don't count again on me.

  Everything's all right, Mother,

  Everyone gets the same

  At one time or another.

  It's all in the game.

  I never strolled, nor ever shall,

  Down such a leafy lane.

  I never drank in a canal,

  Nor ever shall again.

  There is a whistling in the leaves

  And it is not the wind,

  The twigs are falling from the knives

  That cut men to the ground.

  Tell me, Master-Sergeant,

  The way to turn and shoot.

  But the Sergeant's silent

  That taught me how to do it.

  O Captain, show us quickly

  Our place upon the map.

  But the Captain's sickly

  And taking a long nap.

  Lieutenant, what's my duty,

  My place in the platoon?

  He too's a sleeping beauty,

  Charmed by that strange tune.

  Carentan O Carentan

  Before we met with you

  We never yet had lost a man

  Or known what death could do.

  AND thou art dead as young and fair

  As aught of mortal birth;

  And form so soft and charms so rare

  Too soon return'd to Earth!

  Though Earth received them in her bed

  And o'er the spot the crowd may tread

  In carelessness or mirth

  There is an eye which could not brook

  A moment on that grave to look.

  I will not ask where thou liest low

  Nor gaze upon the spot;

  There flowers or weeds at will may grow

  So I behold them not:

  It is enough for me to prove

  That what I loved and long must love

  Like common earth can rot;

  To me there needs no stone to tell

  'Tis Nothing that I loved so well.

  Yet did I love thee to the last

  As fervently as thou

  Who didst not change through all the past

  And canst not alter now.

  The love where Death has set his seal

  Nor age can chill nor rival steal

  Nor falsehood disavow;

  And what were worse thou canst not see

  Or wrong or change or fault in me.

  The better days of life were ours

  The worst can be but mine;

  The sun that cheers the storm that lours

  Shall never more be thine.

  The silence of that dreamless sleep

  I envy now too much to weep;

  Nor need I to repine

  That all those charms have pass'd away

  I might have watch'd through long decay.

  The flower in ripen'd bloom unmatch'd

  Must fall the earliest prey;

  Though by no hand untimely snatch'd.

  The leaves must drop away.

  And yet it were a greater grief

  To watch it withering leaf by leaf

  Than see it pluck'd to-day;

  Since earthly eye but ill can bear

  To trace the change to foul from fair.

  I know not if I could have borne

  To see thy beauties fade;

  The night that follow'd such a morn

  Had worn a deeper shade.

  Thy day without a cloud hath pass'd

  And thou wert lovely to the last

  Extinguish'd not decay'd;

  As stars that shoot along the sky

  Shine brightest as they fall from high.

  As once I wept if I could weep

  My tears might well be shed

  To think I was not near to keep

  One vigil o'er thy bed—

  To gaze how fondly! on thy face

  To fold thee in a faint embrace

  Uphold thy drooping head

  And show that love however vain

  Nor thou nor I can feel again.

  Yet how much less it were to gain

  Though thou hast left me free

  The loveliest things that still remain

  Than thus remember thee!

  The all of thine that cannot die

  Through dark and dread eternity

  Returns again to me

  And more thy buried love endears

  Than aught except its living years.

  by W. H. Auden

  Perfection, of a kind, was what he was after,

  And the poetry he invented was easy to understand;

  He knew human folly like the back of his hand,

  And was greatly interested in armies and fleets;

  When he laughed, respectable senators burst with laughter,

  And when he cried the little children died in the streets.

  But this day especially,

  I need some extra strength

  To face what ever is to be.

  This day more than any day

  I need to feel you near,

  To fortify my courage

  And to overcome my fear.

  By myself,I cannot meet

  The challenge of the hour,

  There are times when humans help,

  But we need a higher power

  To assist us bear what must be borne,

  and so dear Lord,I pray

  Hold on to my trembling hand

  And be near me today.


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